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Medical operation instruments |
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Operation instrument kit
JY-A2 Type Ⅰpackage Orthodontic Instruments
# 1 200-253-03 113 wearing the gill-style ladder clamp 1
# 2 200-253-06 116 gill-style clasp to wear clamp to 1
# 3 200-253-11 134 gill-style sun and wear a pair of pliers to
# 4 200-253-13 139 gill-style clothes to clamp forming a
5 200-255-01 wearing cut off the end of the gill-style clamp to 1
6 200-255-02 wearing cut off the gill filaments, clamp-style slant-edged to 1
7 200-255-04 wear anterior gill-style ring with pliers to cut off the 1
8 200-255-05 gill-type adhesive wear groove lock pliers to remove the 1
9 200-255-06 wearing bow gill filaments bending-type pliers, long head of the 2
10 200-255-07 gill-style crew cut wearing a pair of pliers to 1
11 200-255-08 wear a half gill Park small trapezoidal clamp to 1
12 200-255-10 wear torque forming the gill-style clamp to 2
13 200-255-11 wear of posterior teeth with the gill-style ring pliers to remove the 1
14 200-255-12 wear Curvularia gill system of vertical clamp to 1
15 200-255-13 wear Hough gill-style clamp to 1
16 200-255-14 Coarse clamp off絲切to 1
17 200-258-01 fader to band 1
18 200-258-02 ligation under the 1
19 200-258-03 molar band devices in place to 1
Edgewise 20 200-256-01 Former 7 slot 0 ° only 1