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The future direction of medical electronic product
The ISUPPLI research data displays: In2011, the sales of china’s medical electronic market will achieve 7.23 billion dollars, and increase 25% more than 2010. Experts predict that the sales of china’s medical electronic market will breakthrough 10 billion dollars and achieve 10.056 billion dollars. Facing such a high growth market, the medical X-ray machine manufacturers、agents and exporters should catch this opportunity tightly.
It is a medical industry consensus to output medical electronic product with small and intelligent. Experts say: electronic medical devices are becoming intelligent and simple on the smaller size and operational interface. At the same time, in the situation, which can communicate the internet with more features and accurate, the device can make the personal medical records more standard and complete. It can provide more function when the costs of medical device have decreased. All of these are the characteristics of the next generation medical devices because they meet the standards and easier to maintain.
Experts also believe: Modern medical prediction and treatment programs have promoted the technology integration, such as PET, Digital radiography technology and so on. Higher resolution require more accurate detector and more complex software systems, these system must meet the highly accurate and fast processing speed, and can deal with large volume of image data. Simultaneously, all of the medical machine should be cheaper and used more longer to reduce the costs of treating patients.