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2011: Four attention points of global medical device market
The global medical device market report, published by Kalorama Information, predicts: New market demand、reduce the time of hospital stay and the coming of aging society have become three main factors to enlarge the scale of global medical market. Some experts predict that the sales of global medical market will achieve 312 billion dollars.
The report also predicts: the global medical equipment market will increase as the speed of 4%-6%,Although the growth of medical equipment market have been slow down, but it will keep continuous increase and enlarge because of the global economic recovery and the growth in demand of health care services.
Medical experts say: At present, the medical devices have been used in daily life for many countries in the world. .the medical device demands of hospital or personal have increased year by year, such as medical x-ray machine, medical ventilator, medical ultrasound scanner and so on.
In regard to the global medical device in 2011, some medical experts think that it is necessary to pay attention to four points:
First, medical device company is continuous acquiring;
Second, the medical device company ‘s venture is uncertain;
Third, the performance of small and medium sized medical device companies will be better;
Fourth, the medical device industry development is opportunities more than challenges.